Do You Suffer from Dental Anxiety?

As important as healthy teeth are for your overall wellbeing and appearance, like most people you probably do not list “going to the dentist” as one of your top favorite activities. We understand; you are busy with work, family, and the activities you love, which is why dental treatment should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. However, if you have an extreme aversion to dental treatment, you may suffer from dental phobia. Fortunately, if you struggle with this recognized condition, there are a number of options that can help you overcome your anxiety and receive the treatment you need. Nitrous oxide, offered by your dentist in Ankeny, IA, is one of the most popular and effective tools in overcoming dental phobia.

What Is Dental Anxiety?

Dental anxiety, or dental phobia, is characterized by an overwhelming fear of the dentist. Most people with dental anxiety have no tangible reason for their worries, but they are struck with a very real sense of dread. Many suffers are so anxious about dental visits that they will often put off treatment for years. Without regular treatment, they may develop serious dental conditions, such as extensive decay, widespread structural damage, and gum disease. Because oral health and physical wellness are so closely related, in some cases, patients with dental anxiety may even suffer from poor physical health, as well.

How Nitrous Oxide Can Help

Dr. Erika Peddicord recognizes that dental anxiety is a very real problem and that many patients suffer from this condition through no fault of their own. To help patients who struggle with this phobia, she offers nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a sightless, odorless, tasteless gas. By itself, nitrous oxide can be dangerous; however, when it is mixed with oxygen, it forms mild, harmless laughing gas. This safe, time-tested sedative is administered through a mask. After breathing the gas for about five minutes, patients experience diminished discomfort, as well as a strong feeling of pleasure. In fact, some patients feel so good under the influence of laughing gas that they report a sense of mild euphoria. Dr. Peddicord offers nitrous oxide to patients with dental anxiety and to patients who are undergoing oral surgery, such as an extraction or dental implants. Thanks to nitrous oxide, normally anxious patients can enjoy routine dental care and healthy teeth, and they will leave the dentist’s office with a smile on their face.

About Peddicord Family Dentistry

Dr. Erika Peddicord earned her DDS degree from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and opened Peddicord Family Dental in 2009. Her enthusiasm for building lasting relationships with her patients and her dedication to oral health set her apart as an outstanding family dentist. New and returning patients can schedule an appointment with Dr. Peddicord at our Ankeny, IA dentist’s office by calling (515) 963-3339. We proudly serve patients and families in Bondurant, Polk City, Elkhart, Alleman, and Cambridge.

Dr. Peddicord

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Dr. Peddicord

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