Categories: Preventive Dentistry

Don’t Let Tooth Decay Harm Your Smile

Our regular daily habits could impact the risk of cavities forming in your smile. Not only do cavities cause painful aches and tooth sensitivity, but they could allow infection and other serious oral health issues, even tooth loss in some cases. In today’s blog, your Ankeny, IA, dentist explains what you can do to avoid cavities!

The Onset of Cavities

How does tooth decay start to form in our teeth? Usually, the outer enamel that coats our teeth prevents this, as the thin layer protects the sensitive inner tissues from bacteria. However, when a tooth is injured, or poor oral hygiene allows plaque buildup to accumulate and weaken enamel, then bacteria could reach these inner tissues and cause a cavity to form. Over time, the decay will grow worse and lead to tooth sensitivity and toothaches and eventually, an infection! However, there are still plenty of steps you can take to protect your smile.

Prevention with Brushing and Flossing

First, you should take steps to prevent serious plaque buildup until we can see you for a cleaning. You should brush your teeth when you wake up and again before bed, for about two minutes each session and using a fluoride toothpaste. This doesn’t remove plaque already present, but helps prevent the buildup from growing more severe. You also need to floss before bed, as this reaches and removes what a toothbrush alone cannot. We also suggest cutting back on sugary foods and drinks, as these stray particles could feed harmful bacteria and lead to plaque and tooth decay.

Do I Need an Emergency Treatment?

If you notice your tooth begins to feel sensitive or ache, then please let us know. As part of our approach to emergency dental care, we can treat cavities and return smiles to optimal oral health. We will remove the decay and then use a lifelike composite resin filling to provide repair, protecting the tooth from further pain or the risk of an infection. When you see us, our team will be following strict health and safety protocols to protect you and our team members, such as wearing PPEs, cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, and taking your temperature when you arrive. If you have any questions about preventing a cavity ,then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Preventive Dentistry?

We would like to help you make better choices to protect your oral health while you’re staying home. To learn more about avoiding tooth decay, then please schedule an appointment by calling Peddicord Family Dentistry in Ankeny, IA, today at (515) 963-3339. We also proudly serve patients of all ages who live in Bondurant, Polk City, and all surrounding communities.

Dr. Peddicord

Published by
Dr. Peddicord

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