Really: Your Toothache Isn’t Always A Cavity!

You may assume that the second you end up with a toothache, it means that you definitely have tooth decay. You just know that you have a cavity, you figure you might even have an infection, and this causes you some stress. Of course, nobody likes dealing with decay. However, our Ankeny, IA team reminds you that we have everything you need in order to gently and comfortably guide you back to a healthy smile. Those details aside, though, let’s talk about the fact that just because your tooth hurts, it doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to require restorative care! So, before you make any assumptions, we encourage you to learn more (and to schedule a visit with us soon). It might be something you never considered and that’s easy to address.

It Could Just Be Sensitive

Sometimes, teeth become sensitive and you think you have a toothache. You may already have a filling in a particular tooth and it’s causing you a bit of discomfort. You might have banged your tooth on something and don’t even remember doing it but your nerves certainly know that something happened. You might be brushing too hard in a particular area or you may have food stuck between two teeth. Whatever the case, sometimes you just need suggestions from us in regard to lessening the sensitivity. From changing to sensitivity toothpaste to learning how to be gentle, we can help!

It Could Be The Result Of Bruxism

What’s bruxism, you ask? Well, it’s when you grind your teeth back and forth or when you clench them. However, it’s not just the occasional grinding or clenching. It’s a habit that you’re doing frequently but you aren’t doing it with intention. It’s happening thanks to your body’s involuntary muscle contractions, which means you may end up with a toothache or multiple toothaches but you don’t remember doing anything to aggravate your teeth. Fortunately, we offer bruxism treatment to help the issue stop and to make sure you don’t end up with serious damage in the meantime. Since there’s not much of a way for you to know whether this is happening to you without our help, this is just one more reason to come on in when tooth pain develops!

Always Come In For A Toothache

Don’t let your toothache get the best of you! Instead, come in soon, so we can help you determine what’s going on and what you need in order to feel better. Find out if you’re making good choices by scheduling a visit with your Ankeny, IA dentist today! Contact Peddicord Family Dentistry to set up an appointment by calling 515-963-3339.

Dr. Peddicord

Published by
Dr. Peddicord

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