Ankeny, IA Dentist Talks about Valplast Flexible Partial Dentures

Have you considered partial dentures as your tooth replacement option? Then you should talk to your dentist about Valplast partials rather than going down the traditional route. To teach you more about these partials, Dr. Erika Peddicord, your Ankeny, IA dentist, provides her patients with following informative blog.

The Positives and Negatives of Valplast Partials


  • Durability. These partials have incredible, long-lasting qualities that make them practically unbreakable. The acrylic material allows the partials to have flexible properties; plus, acrylic can withstand more of the everyday items that make contact with your mouth. For example, foods, beverages, and the natural bacteria in your mouth won’t affect the material as much, unlike traditional partials.
  • Color-matching. Many patients who dislike the standard clasps of partials, won’t have the same complaint with Valplast dentures. The bases come in a variety of colors to ensure these color-match your gums. Furthermore, the teeth appear flawless, yet natural-looking. This means patients can wear the partials without worrying if anyone will notice their presence.
  • Comfort. Valplast offers a certain level of comfort that other partials can’t promise. These partials dentures forgo the metal, and those who have metal allergies can wear the partials with ease. Additionally, the lack of metal allows the partials to have a smaller structure, which feels more natural and less clunky for wearers.


  • Relining. With a traditional partial denture, when the base becomes worn, a simple relining makes the tooth replacements look like new again. However, with the Valplast variety the entire base requires replacing.
  • Your other teeth. Not everyone qualifies for the Valplast partials due to oral health. If the structure of your remaining teeth is weak, these partials won’t work as effectively. In those instances, patients tend to benefit more from traditional partial dentures.

Restore Your Smile with Partial Dentures from Peddicord Family Dentistry

If you’re already a partial denture wearer and would like more information on the Valplast brand, talk to your Ankeny, IA dentist. Dr. Peddicord can tell you the specifics of this tooth replacement option to help you determine if it’s suitable. To schedule an appointment, call us at (515) 963-3339. Also, visit our website for patient forms, oral care tips, and to learn about our team. We happily serve new and existing patients in Bondurant, Polk City, Elkhart, Alleman, and Cambridge, and neighboring areas.

Dr. Peddicord

Published by
Dr. Peddicord

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