End the Year on a Bright Note with Cosmetic Bonding and Contouring

Time for Cosmetic DentistryThink there’s no time left to end the year with a more beautiful smile? Think again! Modern cosmetic dentistry offers a number of ways to quickly erase imperfections and play up your smile’s natural beauty. Tooth bonding and contouring are two such treatment options, ones that can be completed incredibly quickly, on a budget, and yet manage to provide dramatic enhancements. So if you were planning to spend these last few months regretting the fact that you didn’t tackle your biggest resolution – to finally address cosmetic concerns with your smile – make a dental appointment with your cosmetic dentist instead. You could accomplish that goal, yet, and more importantly you could start the new year with the confidence and excitement that comes from loving how you look!

End Strong and Start Feeling Fresh, Stylish

Cosmetic bonding involves applying composite resin to any teeth that are disproportionally small, chipped, jagged along the edges, have gaps between them and the adjacent teeth, have permanent staining or are oddly shaped. By sculpting the resin onto the teeth to match the other teeth’s existing contouring, the dentist is able to provide a seamlessly beautiful smile. The results are similar to veneers, but a fraction of the cost and with less of a time commitment. (Though smokers and heavy soda, coffee or red wine drinkers, in particular, may wish to consider veneers, as they’re more stain-resistant.)

Contouring can also be quickly completed, but it involves filing away portions of a tooth or teeth that are too large or overlapping one another. By removing problems like these, as well as smoothing edges, a skilled cosmetic dentist can often help a patient achieve his or her ideal smile through the use of these two treatments, alone!