3 Cheers For Access To Cosmetic Dental Care!

It’s very easy to begin feeling awfully sorry for yourself when you realize you are anything but pleased with the appearance of your smile. Why has it yellowed, you wonder? What did you do to end up with those unsightly chips? What will you ever be able to do about that gap between your teeth and why are you the one with a smile space, you wonder? We get it. When you cannot make an instant change all on your own, it can feel very limiting. The wonderful news, however, is that our Ankeny, IA team can make it extremely easy for you to make those change with our help. So, let’s hear three cheers for cosmetic dental care!


Gaps In Your Smile: 3 Things You Can Do

Is a gap in your smile something you’re curious about? Maybe you are none too thrilled with this particular feature of your grin. Maybe you never really thought about it before but suddenly, you’re wondering if it’s something you should do something about. Is it okay for your oral health? Are smile spaces just an esthetic thing? As for how you may respond to your gap (or gaps), our Ankeny, IA team can break down the details for you with great ease! For a final decision and additional information, of course, come on in for a visit to discuss dental care!


Wanting A Whiter Smile: How To Begin

When the realization hits you that you’d love a whiter smile, you also realize that there’s a whole journey that has to take place first. You know that wanting a whiter smile and actually achieving a whiter smile requires you to initially just get started but, if you’re not sure how, this can feel a bit defeating. Don’t let this get you down! Instead, take our Ankeny, IA team’s advice on board and you’ll soon know all about the cosmetic care treatments we offer, you’ll be ready for whitening, and you’ll have it all mapped out. Let’s get started!


Bruxism: Skip All Of The Confusion!

When you are suffering from bruxism, it’s important to remember that you may have no idea what’s causing your problem or your symptoms. You just know something is amiss because of recent changes (or long-term ongoing changes), such as uncomfortable teeth, tired jaw joints, and more. So, what are you supposed to do when you are still in the dark in terms of your grinding and clenching? How are you supposed to know to act when you don’t even know what’s happening, you wonder? Take our Ankeny, IA team’s bruxism disorder suggestions on board, so you can skip the confusion!


Smile Discoloration: Remember These Facts!

Smile discoloration is one of those issues that just about everyone has to deal with at one point or another but that many patients are unsure about. From whether it’s negatively impacting your teeth to what actually makes one a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry, there is a lot of uncertainty that can crop up. Of course, our Ankeny, IA team’s suggestion will always be the same in terms of new smile goal adventures: Come in for a consultation to learn everything you need to know! For now, some helpful preliminary facts!


Restorative Care: 3 Gifts It Offers Patients

When you envision a present being presented to you, it’s usually in a box with shiny wrapping paper and a beautiful big bow! You don’t usually imagine someone offering you a dental filling or a crown. However, our Ankeny, IA team would love to remind you today that though you may not usually think of restorative care as a gift, it’s actually an area of care that can be just that (and in so many ways). Let’s talk about some serious ways being able to repair your smile contributes to your life (and the life of your smile) for the better!


What Your Toothpaste Can’t Do

When it’s time to talk toothpaste, your caring family dentist in Ankeny, IA will be right there with you. Toothpaste is a vital and necessary part of any home dental hygiene routine. You’ve probably heard it before, but brushing twice a day, flossing daily and maintaining your scheduled exams and cleanings are all smart tools for preserving the health of your teeth. But as much as dentists recommend toothpaste, it can’t do everything. There are things your toothpaste can do, and other things it can’t. (more…)

Cosmetic Treatment Time: Would You Say You’re Completely Ready?

When you consider the type of cosmetic care you’d like to receive for a smile that you’re over-the-moon about, would you say that you’re completely ready to come in right now for care? Or, are there still some things that you might need to take care of first before you’re thoroughly prepared to visit our Ankeny, IA practice? Not sure? Take some guidance to heart, so you can feel certain you’re addressing the necessary details that will steer you straight toward that dream smile with ease.


Feel Like Yourself Again: 3 Important Smile Improvements

When your smile isn’t at its best, it can really take a serious toll on how you feel about yourself! You may not necessarily make the connection right off the bat but it’s entirely possible that every time your smile hurts, every time you feel guilty about your not-so-dedicated dental care, and even each time you catch a glimpse of your yellowed grin, you’re chipping away at your self image and self esteem! Good news: Getting everything back on track with our Ankeny, IA team is so easy! Now, consider a few improvements that might make a world of difference!


What Do We Mean By Gentle Care?

You may wonder what we mean when we say that you should always practice gentle dental care. Even though we explain that aggressive care can result in some serious problems, such as damaged enamel, gum recession, and more, these are just adjectives as far as you are concerned. What do they really entail, you think to yourself? Fortunately, our Ankeny, IA team can break down the details in regard to what “gentle” implies, so you know without a doubt that you’re on track with cleaning your smile and keeping it safe!
