Dos and Don’ts: How To Achieve Enjoyable Flossing

If you floss your smile on a daily basis, then you are doing a wonderful job at upholding the guidelines and efforts required of your dental hygiene. We applaud your decision to remain so dedicated to enjoying a healthy grin. However, just because you are going through the motions doesn’t mean that you are so happy about all of this. To ensure you floss your teeth and you get to enjoy it, we offer up some dos and don’ts that may lend some surprising guidance for a better experience.


Root Canal Quiz: What You Need To Know

If you didn’t need a root canal treatment, you may have never developed any desire to learn about the details. However, now that you do require one for your oral health, you are likely filled to the brim with inquiries about what you can expect. We are happy to report that everything you learn will be positive and will actually make you feel better about things! Find out if you’ve already mastered this topic or if you’re in need of some additional info with our quiz.


Dental Implants: Are You Ready Today?

It can feel like a huge undertaking to announce that today is the day you’re ready for dental implants if you’re not really certain about what to expect. When you do know what you’re going to be looking forward to, it’s often simple to just say, “Sure! Let’s move forward!” As a result, we encourage you to consider some of the details that might make it easier for you to make your final choice. Do you know if you’re ready right now? We can help you make that determination!


Dental Filling Quiz: True Or False?

There might not ever be a moment in your life when you jump for joy when we report to you that it’s time for a dental filling. However, it’s important that you don’t feel the need to shrink away from this recommendation when your smile calls for it. As a result, we wonder, do you know much about fillings? Or do you think you may have some preconceived notions about them that are distorting your feelings on this restorative treatment? We are happy to help clarify with a quick quiz!


Are You Brushing Correctly? Or Just Almost?

If you brush your teeth as we recommend, you can expect good things for your oral health. However, if your dental hygiene is close but not quite right, you may end up finding yourself in a pickle! As in, you might deal with tooth decay, gingivitis, and other problems that develop when you do not remove enough plaque from your smile. The good news here is that you’re not without help. We can guide you back toward best brushing habits with tips (particularly when you come in for your visits).


It’s Spring: What Does Your Smile Need?

Now that it’s spring, what types of plans do you have for your smile? If you answered, “Well, none…” then we have some helpful suggestions that might help you get the ball rolling. Did you realize it may be time for your preventive care with us? Is there something you’ve been hoping to accomplish with your oral health but you haven’t gotten around to it yet? Don’t wait another second!


Managing GERD: Who, What, Where, When, Why?

Whether you most certainly have GERD, you think you might, or you’ve just heard about it and the symptoms seem quite familiar to you, it’s something you should know about. It’s also something you should treat if it happens to you. Here’s the breakdown: GERD is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, which means the muscles at the base of your esophagus relax (even though they’re not supposed to) and allow acids to flow backwards, often all the way into your mouth. As for your questions about how this affects your overall and oral health, we’ve got the answers you need.


Cavities: Avoid These 3 Approaches

When you know that you have a cavity, you may take one of several potential approaches. Of course, there’s only one correct approach (from our perspective), which is to schedule a dental filling and to receive it as soon as possible. However, we know that many patients take those other ineffective routes sometimes without recognizing the future consequences. We’re here to remind you of a few things to avoid (so you make the right choice and come in for care immediately).


Your Healthy Smile: 2 Confusing Foods

Just when you think you’re making the absolute best choices for a healthy smile, you learn that a food that is supposed to be beneficial is actually dangerous! When this happens once or twice, you may begin questioning everything you know about protecting your teeth and gums. Fortunately, we are happy to go over the details of a couple very confusing foods (are they good for you or bad for you … or both?). As a result, you will become more familiar with how to best navigate this area of protecting your smile.


Green Living And Your Dental Care

If you are someone who is looking for the best way to impact the environment (and yourself) only in beneficial ways, you take a close look at just about everything you do. From the products you purchase to the amount of energy and water you consume, there’s a lot to consider. When it comes to your oral health, you may find that you want to do your best but you feel frustrated as you navigate through what feels like somewhat uncharted territory. Allow us to offer some suggestions, so you protect your smile and the world at large.
